Another cool evening: in fact, it got a little chilly. I'll take it. What a long summer this has been, and there's still August to move through. Hopefully, we're through with any more heat wave bullshit. I've been studying the girls all these months, trying to get a feel for how I'm going to transfer my anthropomorphization of them onto paper. And I remembered this old book I got a number of years ago, when I was, er,
dating, this lovely graphic artist who collected line art and put out zines (one theme was Death, Telephones and Scissors). They're called Crap Hound, and I highly recommend them, if you can find them. Anyway, I got this old book from 1941 about cartooning, and 'exploiting human foibles'. It's a fascinating thing, screamingly politically incorrect, and now that I can open it without being overcome by mildew fumes, I think it's going to be instructive in depicting the girls.

I'll refrain from posting some of the more egredious examples, but I was always struck by how much this looks like Homer Simpson, or his psychopath twin brother. I wouldn't be at all surprised if a copy of this book passed through Matt G's fingers at some point in his young life.

Then there's this weird one: man, woman and future drag queen son. The previous owner of the book helpfully pencilled in some underwear.

And I guess one of the 'foibles' its exploiting would be the tendency for little girls to get run down. Stupid dead girl.

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